

At the family's request memorial contributions are to be made to those listed below. Please forward payment directly to the memorial of your choice.

Charity of Your Choice c/o Life Story Funeral Homes
5975 Lovers Lane
Portage, MI 49002
(269) 344-5600

Life Story / Obituary


Marian Hoch (Richey), age 86 passed away at Tendercare Nursing Home in Portage, MI on Thursday. She was born in Three Rivers, MI and was the daughter of Arthur and Gladys Richey. She was married on her 18th birthday to Everett Hoch. They were married 62 years until his death in 2008. She worked at Meyers Toy World in Battle Creek until her retirement. She was preceded in death by Everett and her special friend David Yettew. She is survived by three sons, Gene (Vicki) TX, Tom (Louann) IL, Rick (Donna) Portage, 6 grandchildren, a brother and a sister. Private graveside services will be held at a later date.